All 3 of those laddies is known around the world because they helped a lot of peoples. When i say i love you that means that i will stop whatever it is i am doing that i think is so important and if call i will be their, I got your back. They really did love me..

I am just a country boy turn factory worker, along the way i picked up on a lot of other thing, i maid a lot of mistakes, while learning how to live, the way i look at life is if they can do it then i can, I am retired with not much to do so i through maybe i would try building a website didn't seen to be that hard so now i am on my way.

Me Personally


My other hero,This lady took me in after i left Alabama as a matter fact i was going back to Alabama, It was hard down there, but now i was not at all impress with the north, Then i met her, i knew her brothers but not her, she had the same mama rules as my mama. maid sure i got a job and keeping it, in away she save my life, It was 5 of us, 2 of sons, 2 of her brother and me LOL all of us around the same age. We all retired with over 30 years on the job.
This is my grandma born black in 1900 in someplace Alabama she was and still is my hero she move in 2005, i have no idea how she maid it in those hard times she would say the man upstairs did it, she would set me down and tell me what it was like, she would refur to it as slaver times even then they had to move around trying to keep what little freedom they had running from the white man that soon became to be know as the K.K.K, business men by day and Ku Klux Klan all the time. So it was a good idea if you was owed/work for someone white you had  to paddress them as, Mr, miss, from what i had learn from my grandmother, if i call them anything at all it would not be good and there would be another war in Alabama. As time went on my hero got a job with a woman that i believe really cared about her yes she was white but very very diffidence from the other, 118 years later still fighting for freedom.
My other hero my Mon by now black people had a set way to raise there children while taking care of the white, wrong was wrong and right was right now matter, who. What my mon knew she learn from my grandma, so she was able to get a job with another white family, again but very very diffidence from the other. my grandma never said anything bad about anyone no matter what they looked like nor did my mon, my grandma had 3 children all girls. My mon was the youngest she had 7 children i was her first born, I know you had to move, when god call you have to go, We miss you so much GOD is my father so i told him it really suck here with out them.
My name is Donald, 64 years old if can do a website you can learn how to use a computer for the people who dont already know, The Internet is a very dangerous place, so be careful the senior place where i live the people are nice but they have no idea whats going on, We built this country , I am not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; do not wish to engage in any controversy At all